Ancient History Encyclopedia (UK)

Ancient History Encyclopedia is a non-profit company publishing the world's most-read history encyclopedia. Our mission is to improve history education worldwide by creating the most complete, freely accessible, and reliable history resource in the world. Studying history helps us gain a more nuanced understanding of the world we live in today. Our knowledge and interpretation of history shape how we define ourselves as nations and as cultures, and it influences how we see and interact with other cultures. We help people across the globe gain a deeper, fundamental knowledge of our interconnected human past in order to create curious, open-minded, and tolerant societies in the future.

AHE targets the "digital generation" by telling exciting historical stories using text, video, interactive features, and mobile apps. Every submission to the encyclopedia is carefully reviewed by our editorial team, thus ensuring the highest quality. Our publication follows academic standards but is written in an easy-to-read manner with students and the general public in mind. As a result, our publication is recommended by global educational institutions including: Oxford University, the School Libraries Journal, the European Commission's e-Learning Initiative, and MERLOT. We were the proud winners of the .eu Web Award for education in 2016.

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