Horizon for heritage research

Horizon for heritage research

“Horizon for heritage research” is the title of the Manifesto that will be discussed at the Symposium in Brussels on the 20th of March.

“Horizon for heritage research” Manifesto aims to call for a new permanent co-ordination structure among the stakeholders who participate in the research on cultural heritage (CH): researchers, curators, librarians, archivists, managers of memory institutions, cultural and creative entrepreneur, providers of infrastructure services, together with policy makers, public administrators, educators, and private citizens.

CH research stakeholders expect an ambitious and holistic research and innovation agenda with appropriate funding from Horizon Europe, the next research and innovation framework programme of the European Union. By endorsing the “Horizon for heritage research” Manifesto, CH research stakeholders agree to constitute a new structure with the aim to be the professional stakeholder partner of EU institutions in the co-creation of the CH research and innovation agenda of Horizon Europe.

Sending your feed-backs from this page, you can participate in the consultation exercise that intends to gather as many different points of view as possible, about the intentions, motives and views that are at the basis of the Manifesto.

The result of this consultation will be included in the draft of “Horizon for heritage research” Manifesto that will go to the Symposium for its promulgation.

“Horizon for heritage research”



We call for a joint co-ordination effort

(1) Structures and instruments of coordination are necessary to support the ambitions set during the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

We start from the premise that

(2) A high degree of fragmentation continues to pose one of the greatest challenges to the research in the Cultural Heritage field

Consequently, our mission is that

(3) Much greater efforts are needed to create synergistic, coordinated and holistic approaches for a wider contribution to research

(4) A shift in the weltanschauung of policy-makers, managers and curators, educators, and entrepreneurs will consider opportunities, rather than costs, discovering treasure troves of resources to be exploited.

Now is the time for actions

(5) We call for the establishment of a new governance structure that will be permanent, sustainable and open

(6) The coordination structure will act as a knowledge-exchange broker, providing a forum for facilitating relationships between persons and institutions that have a mutual trust

(7) It will establish a constant dialogue with the European and international institutions that manage cultural heritage research